It isn’t always feasible to take your pet with you when you travel, and it’s vital to know that when you have to be out of town, an experienced, compassionate team is giving your pet the care and attention they need. At Sequoyah Animal Hospital, we work hard to provide a home away from home for your pet so he or she feels comfortable and safe throughout their entire stay with us. Knowing your pet is safe and well cared for will help give you the peace of mind necessary to fully enjoy your travel experience.

We offer climate-controlled, indoor kennels and a separate area for cat boarders away from the dogs. There is plenty of room for your dog or cat to stretch out. We also walk our canine boarders four to six times each day – a number unheard of at most pet boarding facilities.

Our goal is to ensure your pet is comfortable and happy while separated from you. Therefore, please feel free to bring a favorite toy or blanket to leave with your pet. We always have clean, comfortable blankets for our dog and cat guests so they enjoy fresh bedding.

Your pet’s special health needs will be reviewed with you prior to your departure. If your pet requires a special diet, please feel free to send it with him. Our qualified, knowledgeable staff is skilled in medicine administration, food preparation, and managing acute or chronic medical conditions.

Additional Services

Pet owners can opt for their companions to be pampered with a bath and/or nail trim prior to returning home. We can also coordinate training time or a trip to our sister facility, Sequoyah’s Muddy Buddies Dog Wash, for more in-depth grooming needs during your pet’s stay.

Required Vaccines:

To ensure the protection of your pet and others, the following vaccinations are required:

  • For Dogs: Distemper, Adenovirus, Parvo, Rabies and Bordatella (Kennel Cough)
  • For Cats: Panleukopenia, Calici, Herpes and Rabies

Hours of Operation:

Pick-ups and drop-offs are scheduled during regular business hours.